No. 4

It's almost Christmas, have you done all your shopping? Sharing some of my dream presents this round.

i <3 Friday: No. 4

Shanna Murray自製的隨意貼黏的聖誕裝飾。
Self-illustrated Christmas decal by Shanna Murray.

i <3 Friday: No. 4

Leah Duncan手繪月曆,好喜歡纖細線條組成的色塊拼接。
Self-illustrated 12-month calendar by Leah Duncan, love the color-blocking intricate illustrations.

i <3 Friday: No. 4

由老鋪栗久用秋田杉做成的清酒壺及酒杯, 好美, 在Alexcious找得到。
From Kurikyu, a Japanese shop famous for Magewappa, a sake set made of Akita Cedar, so beautiful, as seen on Alexcious.

i <3 Friday: No. 4

玻璃做成的水壺,火爐上用也安全, 來自有名咖啡壺製造品牌Chemex。
The all glass water kettle from Chemex, safe for stove usage, so unique!

i <3 Friday: No. 4

白色聖誕的雪景球, 最喜歡胡桃鉗的那一個。
Snow globe for a white Christmas, my favorite is the nutcracker.

i <3 Friday: No. 4

Geometric glass house hosts a tiny forest, oh how I want this!

i <3 Friday: No. 4

Scandinavian Christmas bottle, decorative and useful at the same time.

i <3 Friday: No. 4

Cream-color frame, leather handles and seat, shopper's crate, this is my absolute dream bike.


No. 3